We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
This is a presentation on the inspirational pilot, Amelia Earhart.
The presentation covers Amelia’s childhood, her early flying experiences, her flying records, what happened to her in the end and how she is remembered. The last part of the presentation includes some interesting questions to provoke discussion.
Use this as part of a lesson or for an assembly for ages 7 - 14.
A 21 slide animated PowerPoint presentation on Thanksgiving for a non-American audience. The PowerPoint describes the history of Thanksgiving, the first Thanksgiving and modern traditions. The PowerPoint is not editable. Click ‘Read Only’ to open. Some of the images only appear when the PowerPoint is run as a slideshow.
This could be used as part of a lesson or for an assembly for children aged 4 -11.
This PowerPoint is also included in the KS1 and KS2 Harvest Units:
KS1 Harvest RE (2 lessons
Key Stage 2 Harvest RE Unit
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Thanksgiving reading comprehension Year 2
Thanksgiving reading comprehension Year 3 and 4
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2. It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of ‘what’ ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
This comprehension is all about the top footballer, Lionel Messi.
PDF file format.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2. It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels. There are a range of ‘what,’ ‘where’ and ‘how’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
This comprehension is all about Spain and covers Spanish landmarks, food and traditions.
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in price.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2. It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of 'what' and 'how' questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page. Answers are included.
This comprehension is all about the explorer, Christopher Columbus.
PDF file format.
The comprehensions are also available as part of a 5 lesson literacy unit:
This is a presentation on the suffragist, Millicent Fawcett, who was chosen as the first female to have a statue in Parliament Square.
Use it as part of a lesson or for an assembly for KS1, KS2 or KS3.
Please note there are no photos of Millicent Fawcett included, owing to copyright restrictions.
The presentation covers Fawcett's childhood, early political involvement and the successful suffrage movement. The last part of the presentation includes some interesting questions to provoke discussion or for further exploration.
This is a presentation on the explorer, Christopher Columbus, who discovered the ‘New World.’
Use it as part of a lesson or for an assembly. The presentation covers Christopher’s childhood, his early sailing years, his voyage and his discovery. The last part of the presentation includes some interesting questions to provoke discussion or for further exploration.
Columbus is one of the key historical figures mentioned in the KS1 curriculum, so this presentation would be perfect for introducing the explorer.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2. It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of 'what' and 'how' questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
This comprehension is all about Queen Victoria. Perfect to use as part of a KS1 history topic or just for general interest for comprehension practice. Answers are also included.
PDF file format.
This resource is a 20 page booklet for children to complete all about their hobbies, interests, friends, families, dreams and school life.
It is aimed at Lower Key Stage 2 and could be used to aid the transition process into year 3 or 4.
Use during a transition day, send home over the summer or complete during the new term as part of an ‘All About Me’ topic.
PDF file format
The booklet is colourful, but also prints well in black and white.
If you are looking for a booklet for transition into years 1 or 2 we have created this one:
All About Me transition booklet - EYFS & Key Stage 1
Celebrate the royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with this year 2 SATs-style comprehension booklet!
The booklet is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of ‘what,’ ‘when,’ ‘who’ and ‘how’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
PDF file format.
Please note that this resource was created prior to the Royal Wedding day.
This interactive PowerPoint quiz is perfect for using in the 2022 Australian CBCA Book Week. It contains 76 questions. The first 70 questions cover famous books from Australia and around the world. This is followed by one question on each of the books in the CBCA 2022 short list for ages 7-12.
You can use this as a starter, an assembly, a filler or a main activity. All questions are multiple choice and focus on popular modern books as well as classics. After you have chosen an answer for each question, click again and the correct answer changes colour. The PowerPoint is not editable. Please click ‘read only’ to open. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a slideshow with the animations.
Example questions include:
Who visits Narnia first? Peter, Edmund or Lucy
Which of these books does Hermione Granger like to read? Albus Dumbledore’s Guide to Magic, The History of Hogwarts or Hogwarts: A History
Where do Jane, Michael and Mary Poppins have a tea party? On the ceiling, In the nursery or In Wonderland
What is the name of The Magic Pudding that always reforms after being eaten? Arthur, Albert or Alexander
A separate answer sheet is also included.
You might be interested in our 2023 book quiz:
Quiz for CBCA Book Week 2023
This resource is a comprehension activity based on the year 6 reading comprehension SATs paper.
The theme for the comprehension is the story of Jesus’ arrest before Good Friday, which I have rewritten to resemble the style of the reading paper.
I have included 3 differentiated levels. The Higher Ability level (781 words) is similar to the SATs paper, whilst the Middle Ability (654 words) and Lower Ability (564 words) use slightly simplified wording in the reading and question booklet. Each level contains a 3 page reading booklet and an accompanying 4 page question booklet, which contains a range of questions based on past papers. There are also example answers.
The preview pages show one page from the higher ability comprehension booklet and question booklet and one page from the higher ability black & white booklet.
PDF file format. Colour and Black & White versions are included in the price.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension booklet aimed at Lower Key Stage 2 (7-9 yrs). The theme for the booklet is harvest around the world and covers Thanksgiving in the USA, rice festivals in Asia, the yam festival in Ghana, a fruit festival in Thailand, the Jewish holiday Sukkot and the harvest moon festival in China. It is a perfect comprehension to use during the autumn term, but could be used throughout the year, as harvest is celebrated at different times of the year around the world.
There are three differentiated booklets. The higher ability booklet has two pages of information for the children to read before they complete 2 pages of ‘what,’ ‘when,’ ‘who’ and ‘why’ questions. There are also true or false, multiple choice questions and some that require more detailed answers. There are 15 questions in total. The middle and lower ability booklets have the information split into four pages with questions on each page. The middle ability has 13 questions and the lower ability has 12 questions in total.
There is a colour and black & white booklet for each level. Answers are also included.
PDF file format.
You might be interested in:
Harvest around the world Comprehension Year 2
Harvest Around the World Presentation
This resource is a comprehension activity for year 2. There are three differentiated booklets on Bonfire Night safety, which covers how to handle sparklers, fireworks and bonfires and is aimed at KS1 children.
Each booklet has a title page with useful words followed by four pages of information with questions on each page. There are a range of ‘what,’ ‘how,’ ‘where’ and ‘why’ questions. There are also multiple choice questions, true or false questions and some that require more detailed answers. The higher and middle ability booklets each have 13 questions in total. The lower ability has 12 questions.
There is a colour and black & white booklet for each level. Answers are also included.
PDF file format.
You might also be interested in:
Year 2 Bonfire Night Comprehension Bundle / Guy Fawkes
The Gunpowder Plot Comprehension / Bonfire Night / Year 3 and 4
Bonfire Night Comprehensions / Guy Fawkes : Year 1
This resource is a comprehension activity based on the year 6 reading comprehension SATs paper.
The comprehension text covers the part of the Christmas story when Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem, ending with the birth of Jesus. I have rewritten the Bible story to resemble the style of the SATs reading paper. There is a reading booklet of 3 pages, followed by 4 pages of questions, which are based on last year’s paper. There is also a mark scheme at the end of the booklet.
I have included 3 differentiated levels. The HA level is similar to the SATs paper, whilst the MA and LA use slightly simplified wording in the reading and question booklet and could also be used by year 5s.
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in the price.
This is a plan for an assembly on Harvest, with a focus on the theme of thankfulness. There is a PowerPoint on what harvest is and how it is celebrated in Britain included. The plan is easy to follow and requires no resources, so is perfect for using at the last minute!
I like leading assemblies that are interactive, engaging and relevant to the children’s lives. So this assembly involves an anecdote to make it more relevant to the children. You can use the example in the plan or use an anecdote from your own day. This is then linked to the theme of harvest. There is a lot of opportunity for the children to think about their own experiences and to feedback. There is also an example prayer/reflection to finish with.
The resources are in the zip file. These are:
5 page PDF Assembly Plan
20 Slide animated PowerPoint Presentation (This is not editable. Click the ‘Read Only’ button to open. Some of the images are only revealed when the PowerPoint is played as a Slideshow with the animations.)
No further preparation needed.
The PowerPoint is also available separately and is included with our KS1 and KS2 Harvest Units:
Harvest Festival Presentation
KS1 Harvest RE (2 lessons)
Key Stage 2 Harvest RE Unit
This resource is a comprehension activity for year 2, perfect for using on or around Shrove Tuesday. There are three differentiated sets of instructions on how to make the perfect pancake, with differentiated questions.
It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper.
There are a range of ‘what’ and ‘how’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page. Answers are also included.
I have also included both colour and black & white versions of each of the 3 booklets which contain some cute clip art of kids cooking!
PDF file format.
This resource is a comprehension booklet aimed at Lower Key Stage 2 (7-9 yrs). The booklet tells the story of The Gunpowder Plot which is the story behind the Bonfire Night celebrations.
There are three differentiated booklets. The higher booklet has two pages of information for the children to read before they complete 3 pages of ‘what,’ ‘where,’ ‘when,’ ‘which,’ ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions. There are also true or false, multiple choice questions and some that require more detailed answers. There are 14 questions in total.
The middle and lower ability booklets have the information split into four separate pages with questions on each page. The middle ability has 13 questions and the lower ability has 12 questions in total.
There is a colour and black & white booklet for each level. Answers are also included.
PDF file format.
You might be interested in:
Year 2 Bonfire Night Comprehension Bundle / Guy Fawkes
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2. It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of ‘what’ ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page. Answers are also included.
This comprehension is all about the athlete, Mo Farah.
PDF file format.
This is an assembly on Palm Sunday, with a focus on the theme of choosing the right path over the easy one. There is a 4 page pdf plan and a 31 slide animated PowerPoint presentation. (This is not editable. Click 'Read Only' to open)
I like leading assemblies that are interactive, engaging and relevant to the children's lives. This assembly involves an anecdote on a childhood squabble and how it can be hard to do the right thing. You can use the example in the plan or use an anecdote from your own childhood. This is then linked to Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. There is a lot of opportunity for children to think about their own experiences and to feedback. There is also an example prayer/reflection to finish with.
The plan is easy to follow and requires no resources, so is perfect for using at the last minute! Both the plan and PowerPoint can be used on their own or together to suit your needs. You can also jump to different sections of the PowerPoint. It includes the introduction, the anecdote, the Palm Sunday story, Palm Sunday traditions today, the discussion/conclusion and the final prayer.
You might also be interested in our KS1 and KS2 Palm Sunday lesson plans, Palm Sunday story PowerPoint and Year 6 Palm Sunday comprehension: